Hanging times for show: please plan on attending one of these time slots, if you cannot, you must notify me immediately. Bring tools & supplies to hang your work. (we will provide the labels for the show).
Saturday – Oct 10: 1:00-4:30pm
Sunday – Oct 11: 11:00am-1:30pm
LOCATION: Atlantic Station, Atlantic Drive & 18th Street, directly above Doc Green's, take escalator 5 to the 2nd level, on the right, across from the Bodies exhibit.
Your payment of $25, cash or check, is due when you deliver your work.
Invites can be picked up when you come to hang your work – there are approximately 15-20 invites per person to hand out or mail. We are creating a Facebook Event Invite and also an email invite that you can send to your friends, family, etc.
The event is also listed in the Atlanta Celebrates Photography festival guide (printed and online) it is event #130 (10,000 printed guides, and more than 100,000 people visit the ACP website www.acpinfo.org during the month of October – weekly updates are emailed to the ACP email list. The attendees at SPE (southeast) in Atlanta will be invited also. Signs will be posted throughout the Atlantic Station shopping district the day of the show, 1000s of people visit the area each weekend, and Atlantic Station is including the show info in their weekly email to their retail and corporate tenants.